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The Crafty Damselfly

Exploring life a day at a time

Writer's picturekim mcauley

Seeking a life lived to the edge of all my possibility

thoughts from the Crafty Damselfly

Occasionally I read something that makes me stop, today it was this reflection:

“It’s not the easy and convenient life I seek, but life lived to the edge of all my possibility.” -M.S. Radmacher-Hersey. What does it mean to stand at the threshold of all our possibility? Where do we let fear stop us, keeping us safely within our comfort zone? And what bold possibility do we forfeit when we fear the exploring that possibility?

“Certainly, there are times when being conservative is prudent, but when playing it safe becomes habitual, a kind of numbness can set in as we sadly move further and further away from taking risks, from speaking our truth, from following our dreams. Something in the soul begins to wither when we don’t give voice or action to the creative impulses that whisper within. As poet David Whyte observes, living at the cliff edge of life is about being in a place where we feel a fierce hunger for the exhilaration of feeling fully alive.

Edges are about choices and decisions. They define the territory between the familiar and the unknown, hence they are also about learning and the willingness to be temporarily disoriented. We may find ourselves in

a place where it takes all our courage to imagine taking another step. We worry there will be no solid footing, we fear we will lose something or be hurt. Yet, there are times when facing the brink is less a threat to life than the refusal to step out into our own truth. Something

calls us to move out into the darkness, illumined only by an inner vision that draws us like the moon, to an urge we can no longer ignore. Surrendering certainty to step out into the path of no path doesn’t mean there is no path – only that we cannot yet see it. Perhaps we will find an

unexpected pathway spun out magically beneath our feet, like the web of a spider.”~ PSJ Health Reflection by Oreb, Kathie A

​I find myself at a point in my life where I am moved to seek those places in my work, and my life where I feel pushed to grip the edge of the rim, ready to step out into uncertainty to be more financially dependent with my side work -junking, woodwork, blogging. Freer to speak up for my beliefs, my truths, myself. To live beyond the day to day that has been my life for the last 35 years. I find myself both excited and scared, I go back and forth as I to what is the best course. However, I am choosing to set my insecurities aside and forge ahead, despite my fear of what others will think or the haters will say. I Choose to live a life …to the edge of all my possibility.” And welcome the exhilaration of feeling fully alive and enjoying my next chapter of life.

​ Where do your toes grip the rim, even as your soul trembles to move forward into unknown possibilities that could become the defining choices of your life? What are your dreams?

Note: I am not a counselor nor giving professional advice just a real person sharing my thoughts, my struggles as I fumble through life.

The Crafty Damselfly

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