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The Crafty Damselfly

Exploring life a day at a time

Writer's picturekim mcauley

Overview of "Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear"

Elizabeth Gilbert "I met a clever, independent, creative, and powerful woman in her mid-seventies, who offered me a superb piece of life wisdom. She said: 'We all spend our twenties and thirties trying so hard to be perfect, because we’re so worried about what people will think of us. Then we get into our forties and fifties, and we finally start to be
free, because we decide that we don’t give a damn what anyone thinks of us. But you won’t be completely free until you reach your sixties and seventies, when you finally realize this liberating truth—nobody was ever thinking about you, anyhow.'"

"Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear" is a book written by Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of "Eat, Pray, Love." In this book, Gilbert explores the concept of creativity and digs into how to live a creative life without fear. She shares personal anecdotes and insights from her own creative journey, challenging common myths and misconceptions about creativity. The book is divided into six sections, each focusing on different aspects of creativity, such as inspiration, persistence, and the role fear and human insecurity play. Gilbert encourages readers to embrace their creative impulses and offers practical advice for overcoming fear and self-doubt. Ultimately, "Big Magic" is a guide for anyone seeking to live a more creative and fulfilling life, reminding readers that creativity is accessible to everyone.

I enjoyed this book. It made me realize my creativity is mine and no one else's. Others opinions or thoughts about my work is none of my concern. If my work brings me joy and provides me with purpose, then I am successful. Now I just need to repeat this to myself repeatedly 😉.


Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

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