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The Crafty Damselfly

Exploring life a day at a time

Writer's picturekim mcauley

Key Principals of Radical Acceptance

Updated: Feb 18

finding calm in the quiet moments
inner peace
Key Principles of Radical Acceptance:

1. Acknowledging reality: First step of Radical acceptance is honestly acknowledging the reality of a situation, including the parts that are difficult, painful, uncomfortable or goes against your expectations or desires. I am feeling lonely , sad, anxious, unfulfilled ... why?

2. Letting go of resistance: the practice of Radical acceptance requires analysis of your perception of reality. It means to  stop resisting or  fighting against your feelings and/or destructive thoughts and accept that we are powerless to change certain circumstances or outcomes. This includes letting go of judgment, blame, and denial. This practice is used in most 12 step programs and is very successful when fully embraced...What are the realities of your situation that is making you feel these thibags..are they in your control to change are are they others behaviors influencing your emotions/thoughts?

3. Embracing emotions and experiences: Radical acceptance involves fully embracing our emotions, thoughts, and experiences without judging if they are "good" or "bad". It means accepting that all emotions are valid and part of the human experience, even if they are uncomfortable or painful. Adopting a non-judgmental stance towards ourselves, others, and the world frees us to live a more serene life

4. Practicing mindfulness: Mindfulness is an essential component of radical acceptance. It involves being fully present in the current moment, observing and accepting what is happening without trying to change it. Mindfulness helps cultivate awareness and reflectivity in the moment. This helps people like me who tend to speak before thinking, it allows time to reflect and choose my word wisely or not speak at all. 🙂

5. Surrendering control: Radical acceptance involves recognizing and accepting that there are aspects of life that are beyond our control. It means surrendering the need for control and embracing the uncertainty and unpredictability of life. This one is difficult and you have to trust all will be okay without you controlling. As a Christian I put my trust in Jesus to lead and guide me. Sounds easy IT iS NOT. I still try and wrestle back that control daily...

6. Finding peace and moving forward: By accepting reality as it is, radical acceptance allows individuals to find peace and move forward in a more constructive manner. It reduces suffering and helps cultivate resilience, emotional well-being, and the ability to adapt to challenging circumstances.

Remember, this is just a brief summary, and there is much more depth to each principle of radical acceptance.

Blogger's note: This blog post is for conversation and learning purposes only. Any well-being posts by the Crafty Damselfly Blog are in no way meant to diagnose or treat any illness. If you have any health concerns please see a licensed healthcare professional.

Related Post:: Gaining Peace through Radical Acceptance.

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