What other people think of you is none of your business 😳
WHAT? That can’t be right, can it? I mean my whole life has been a jumbled mess of worry about what others think of me, how I talk, what I am saying, what I am wearing, my work, my actions, ect….
My epiphany is that this is true. What others think are their own thoughts and for the most part, it should not affect how I feel about myself.  My focus should be on living by what I know is right and kind, not based on the opinions or judgments of others. Worrying about what others may think or say about how you should be living your life is not productive or beneficial, as it is ultimately out of our control. For me, this has been quite freeing and made me rethink a lot of my life choices and future ambitions. I am using this rule to shift my perspective and work more on self-acceptance and building my confidence, by prioritizing my own journey based on my beliefs, values, and goals.
Take a listen before you leave 🙂 https://youtu.be/CjxugyZCfuw?si=7FtzhB8ckMp06v74
Related blogs: Living Life to the Edge..., Radical Acceptance (Coming soon), Reflection of Me: Self-evaluation January 14, Courage to Change, & This is me https://youtu.be/CjxugyZCfuw?si=7FtzhB8ckMp06v74
Rules from the Contemplative Monk @ContemplativeMonk.com